FVEBS Annual Christmas Party December 8, 2009

We had a great time at our annual Christmas party at the Fireside Grille in Sugar Grove!

FVEBS Club Minutes November 10, 2009

19 in attendance.  Ellen mentioned tha Shipsurance was on eBay radio today.  Introduction of 4 new people.   Office Depot can be used as a UPS drop off also.  There is one on the corner of Rt 34 and Rt 30.

We discussed ideas for our annual Christmas party.  We will do the same as last year.  Bring new underwear wrapped, we exchange and open for fun and then Deb H gives them to Hesed House.

We talked about what everyone wanted in the coming year for our meetings.  Nancy mentioned just getting together and talking eBay rather than a formal meeting.   Sheri mentioned having one head with 12 members one for each month to hold a meeting topic and Shelley said we should get back to simpler layout and mentoring each other.  Elections were discussed.  Deb H agreed to be our Facilitator as no one else wanted the position of President or Vice President.  Jerry B agreed to be our Secretary and Treasurer for the upcoming year.  Sheri K will remain our Membership and Publicity officer.  Thank you to these people for taking on the responsibilities of leading our club this next year.

Ellen talked about trends.  One thing she mentioned was “Womenomics”.  The next 100 years will focus on women.  Rent, bartering and trading.

FVEBS Club Minutes October 13, 2009

Cory Porris-Warren from First Midwest Insurance Group was our guest speaker this evening.   She gave a very informative talk on insurance for small sellers.  Inventory for eBay selling is not covered unless you purchase a business or personal property endorsement and add to your homeowners insurance.  This endorsement should also cover your business equipment.

Thank you to all the members who helped with Griff’s visit in September.  A special thank you to Jerry for providing all the members with CD’s of pictures from the event!

Treasurer’s report was given and Janice gave a short review on dinner with Griff and eBay CEO John Donahue in Chicago.  Janice reported on freecycle.  Next drop off for recyclables is April 24th 2010.  So far 9 people have received packing items.

We had a round table discussion on shipping insurance as eBay no longer has the optional insurance choice for buyers.  Most said they self insure.  Using self insurance add additional cost to shipping to cover yourself.   Shipsurance was mentioned as an option.  Use shipgooder.com to compare shipping rates from different carriers.

Mosey.com was brought up to back up things on your computer.   Skip McGrath has a new book, eBay for Geezers.

We added three new members this evening.